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Psychology, Behaviour and Cognitive Neuroscience

Cognitive Neuroscience

Dr Sarah Astill - Perception and attention

Dr Steven Clapcote - Animal models of cognition

Dr Charity Brown - Memory and language, face and emotion perception

Dr Melanie Burke - Cognitive and motor ageing, Plasticity in the Brain

Dr Marc de Kamps - Artificial intelligence

Dr Ekaterini Klepousniotou - Memory, language, ageing, hemispheric differences

Prof Mark Mon-Williams - Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Dr Richard Wilkie - Cognition, perception, action, visual motor control, driving

Dr Ioannis Delis -Decision-making, multisensory processing, sensorimotor coupling

Dr Emmanuele Tidoni - Social Neuroscience, Social Robotics

Nutrition and Behaviour

Prof John Blundell - Neurobiology of appetite and the mode of action of anti-obesity drugs

Prof Louise Dye - Diet, food and food components on cognition, satiety and well-being

Dr Pablo B Martinez de Morentin - Central regulation of appetite

Dr Graham Finlayson - Hedonic & homeostatic systems underpinning human eating behaviour

Dr Amanda Harrison - Impulsivity in various stages of drug addiction from initiation to relapse

Prof Marion Hetherington - Ingestive behaviour, sensory-specific satiety and appetite regulation

Dr Clare Lawton - Diet, food and food components on cognition, satiety and well-being

Prof John Rodgers - Neurobiology of appetite and the mode of action of anti-obesity drugs